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Let's Make 2023 More About Jesus and Less About Me

A story of two sisters...

"I stared at her wasted form. 'But when will all this happen, Betsie!' 'Now. Right away. By the first of the year, Corrie, we will be out of prison!" (The Hiding Place, p. 227-228)
It was New Year's Day, 1945. Betsie had been right; she and I were out of prison..." (The Hiding Place, p. 236)

I've prayed and pondered over what to write to encourage you as we enter 2023.

I sensed Holy Spirit repeatedly bringing me back to the final chapters of The Hiding Place. It's a book about two Dutch sisters who were prisoners at Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Germany during WWII.

These two devoted and loving Christians were used by God to rescue many during the early years of the war and to bring many to Jesus in the middle of that gruesome camp.

It's a story of overcoming and victory - because God is good.

It's a story of great courage and faith in unbelievable circumstances - because God is faithful.

It's a story with deep sadness - because life is difficult but God is always present.

It's a story of God.

About His faithfulness to two of His precious children.

It's a story about the love of Jesus - for all.

When Corrie made her New Year's Day declaration, I'm sure she wished this "freedom" looked a bit different from the reality facing her.

In mid-December, just three days after Betsie told Corrie they would be out of prison, Betsie ten Boom did indeed leave Ravensbruck prison and went straight into the arms of Jesus.

I can imagine Jesus was waiting for her with open arms declaring "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master." (Matthew 25:23 ESV)

A few days later, Corrie ten Boom walked out of Ravensbruck and made her way back home to Holland.

Yes, they were both free from prison by New Year's Day 1945.

Life is not so much about "what" as it is about "Who"...

This morning I realized what keeps drawing me back to these pages of the book.

I have many wishes, hopes, and prayers for 2023.

But as I continue reading about these two sweet sisters, I'm stirred in my heart to become more like them.

More like Betsie...with a heart for others...

Corrie records some of Betsie's last words as they carried her frail form to the camp infirmary...

"...must tell people what we have learned here. We must tell them that there is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still. They will listen to us, Corrie, because we have been here." (The Hiding Place, p. 227)

More like Corrie...committed to Jesus - to be and do whatever He asks...

After her release Corrie spent more than thirty years sharing the love of Jesus in sixty-four nations. She described herself as "a tramp for the Lord".

More like Jesus...

Betsie and Corrie knew their time on earth and their message was never about them.

It was about Jesus.

If I want to be more like Betsie and Corrie, then I need to focus on Jesus and becoming more like Him than ever before.

So maybe all my goal setting for 2023, should boil down to chasing "Who" God is and allowing Him to open doors rather than sending Him my agenda and asking for His blessing.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm not against planning.

God Himself is a planner.

And He is also a God who loves relationship - with us.

Knowing Him comes before the "doing".

In fact, the better I know Him and the more like Him I become, the better I am able to walk in obedience to Him and make a difference in this world.

An eternal difference.

This post is not written to venerate these two women.

They wouldn't want that.

They knew beyond a doubt only Jesus gives the strength to endure, the ability to thrive even in dire situations.

They would be venerating Him.

So, should I.

So should we.

They wouldn't see themselves as "special".

They would most likely see themselves as two women who dearly love Jesus seeking to make Him know in whatever circumstances surrounded them.


Because He loved them first.

Moving into 2023...

As we enter the unknown of 2023, giving Jesus all of our wishes, dreams, hopes, and prayers, may we pray the words of John the Baptist as recorded by John, the Apostle:

"He must become greater;

I must become less."

John 3:30

This morning I prayed this blessing over you for 2023...

"The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace."

Numbers 6:24-26

May the blessing of the Lord be upon you in 2023!

Much love,

Kathy Ann



You are such a blessing Kathy! I too have felt less of me more of Him for all of what The Lord wants me to do in 2023. Love you sweet sister! ✝️❤️


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If you are desperate for a life-giving relationship with God, then this blog is for you.

Not because I've arrived, but because I'm choosing deep intimacy with Jesus, also, and we can travel together.

My hope is the words in this blog help you choose to follow Jesus,

 whether it's for the first time or to choose to move closer to Him.

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