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The Beauty of Allowing God to Speak to Us in His Way

God speaks...

It's uncanny how many times in the Bible we find God speaking to someone. If you grab your highlighter next time you read your Bible, you will find ample opportunity to mark phrases like "and God said" or "and the Lord spoke".

It's God's deep desire for relationship with us that causes Him to speak.

He often speaks in rather unique ways and we will look at one of those today in the Biblical account of Christmas.

Matthew 1:19 finds Joseph thinking through how to handle the latest development in his relationship with his fiancé, Mary. She is pregnant and Joseph knows he is not the father. Mary claims an angel spoke to her and the Holy Spirit came upon her.

That's a lot for anyone to take in and comprehend. Yet, Joseph has never known Mary to be a liar.

The Bible describes Joseph as "just" and as a just man, Joseph is seeking the best possible solution for the dilemma he faces.

Regardless of how far-fetched Mary's story may seem, Joseph is determined to do the right thing. He is not making decisions based on emotion, her story or even the confusion and hurt he must have felt at the possibility of her being with another man.

As he contemplates his options, an angel appears to him in a dream and tells him "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit" (Mt. 1:20).

God is so gracious.

He calls Joseph by name. Isn't that beautiful?

He gives him clear direction. Wow!

He also deals with the heart of the matter hiding underneath Joseph's concerns - fear. Precious!

In His wisdom and Sovereignty, God provides Joseph with the solution he seeks and demonstrates care and concern for the fear behind Joseph's questions.

It is so like our God when speaking to us, whether through a dream, angelic visitation, the Bible, preaching, or Godly friends, to go beyond the question we are asking and tend to the emotions and struggles underneath our questions, as well.

There is something truly beautiful about God speaking to us in His way

God speaks again...

As amazing as this encounter is, it is not a one and done moment.

God chose to speak to Joseph through an angel in a dream three more times!

  • Matthew 2:13 - God directs Joseph to take Mary & Jesus to Egypt

  • Matthew 2:19 - Joseph is given the go-ahead to return to Israel

  • Matthew 2:22 - Joseph is warned to turn aside to Galilee to a city called Nazareth

The record in Matthew chapters 1 and 2 shows us three of these four commands were followed by "this was done that it might fulfill..."

Joseph was given specific instructions that provided the desired direction he needed for he and his little family AND fulfilled Old Testament prophecies at the same time.


Deep beauty exists when we allow God to speak into our lives in His way.


I do not know why an angel appeared in person to Mary and in dreams to Joseph.

I do not know why Mary had one angelic visitation and Joseph experienced four angelic dreams.

What I do know from reading and studying my Bible is God is always communicating with His people.

When we ask for wisdom, He answers.

When we look to walk justly before Him, He helps us.

God could have just sent Joseph impersonal directives but He chose to speak to him through angelic dreams with clarity and even concern for the fear Joseph felt.

God pursues speaking with us because He pursues us!

Let me say that again. God pursues speaking with us because God pursues us!

He is interested in a relationship with each of us.

It's the reason Jesus came.

And that is beautiful.

Allowing God to speak...

What are we going to do if God decides to get radical and speak to us today through an angelic dream?

Will we be able to hear or will we worry we've lost our marbles?

My guess is a little of both.

God spoke to Joseph and Mary in ways that were unusual, but necessary and clear.

The same God knows exactly how to speak to each of us.

Does it surprise you that God may speak to you?

God speaks to a lot of ordinary people in the Bible.

God says His sheep will know His voice.

So if you are ordinary and one of His sheep, then you qualify for conversation with God Almighty.


Our western culture often drives us to be so logical and scientific we can rationalize the voice of God right out of the picture.

One of my favorite things about my many Kenyan friends is their deep sense of awe when we discuss God and how He works in our lives.

If I told a Kenyan friend God spoke to me in a dream, she would believe me.

If I told many of my western culture friends God spoke to me in a dream, it's likely I will be questioned.

There's a precious childlike (not to be confused with childish) quality one develops as we simply believe God and His fascinating ways - even when they are unusual.

Is this possibly the childlike faith Jesus talks about in the Gospels?

Faith that believes with a full heart and in simplicity?

We identify this childlike quality in Joseph.

Every time an angel spoke to Joseph, the Bible says Joseph did what God said.

He didn't question.

He didn't argue.

He didn't rationalize.

And God gave him some unusual things to do!

Move your family to a foreign country (Egypt) where your ancestors used to be slaves!!! Really???

And do it now!

If God gave me that instruction, it would definitely give me pause.

Not Joseph.

He immediately obeyed.

Is that what made Joseph a candidate for God to speak to Him in such a miraculous way?

His willing heart? for thought.

God, give us childlike hearts...

Just as clearly as God spoke to Mary and Joseph, I believe God still loves to speak to His children today.

What better time of the year to hear from him than this Christmas.

I'm praying for you, my friend.

I am asking God to speak to you during this season.

I am asking God to bring you the clarity, peace, or direction you need from Him.

I don't know how He will speak to you or what ordinary or extraordinary direction He may give you.

So I'm also asking Him to give you and me childlike hearts that are filled with the wonder of God and Who He is.

Hearts willing to allow Him to speak to us in His way, not ours.

His willingness to speak to us and our willingness to hear.

That is beautiful.

The Same God who spoke to Joseph and Mary sent His Son to make it possible for each of us to have a living, breathing, life-giving relationship with Him.

May He speak the love, joy, and peace of Christmas to you this season.

Many Christmas blessings,

Kathy Ann

1 Σχόλιο

15 Δεκ 2022

Powerful dear friend! This totally ministered to me today.

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