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Prayer Can Bring Healing to Relationships

Prayer is a love language...

I lifted Amy (not her real name) before the Lord.

Not knowing exactly what to say, I prayed God would bless and direct her life.


It wasn't much but it was a start.

My mind struggled to find much more to pray.

My thoughts scattered from here to kingdom come.


Somehow, I needed to get some focus to this praying for Amy thing.

Let me try again.

God, I'm asking for clarity and the ability to do this thing I was sure would make a difference in my relationship with Amy.

After all, Lord, I heard in a sermon that if you pray for people you are struggling to like, it gives God room to work.

Please help me know how to pray, Lord.

And please do a work in this relationship.

I needed a "no-personal-agenda" prayer...

My relationship with Amy fit the bill for one needing prayer. In my first year of teaching, Amy was a co-worker that just sort of rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't define it. As teachers in a Christian school, I knew enough to know the enemy of our souls would love nothing better than to divide our staff and pit us against one another. We were both called, we both loved kids, and we needed to cooperate for the sake of God's Kingdom.

As tempting as it might be, it was critical not to pray "God, please change Amy to be someone I like!".

I needed a "no-personal-agenda" prayer.

Here I am again, Lord, asking You to bless Amy and work in her life.

I lift her needs to You.

I ask You to bless her and use her to teach well and minister to the children in her care.

Day by day as I prayed, something amazing happened.

God did change things.

He changed me!

Within a few weeks, Amy and I would run into each other in the hallway and share our concerns for some of the children we taught.

We also began to share personal needs and hopes.

Vulnerability is a beautiful thing!

And soon after, we were friends.

In fact, a few years later when 'Amy" and her sweet family moved away from the area, I was sad to see her go.

Loving my neighbor by praying...

"For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command.

'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

Galatians 5:14

Over the years, I've found prayer to be one of the deepest ways we can demonstrate our love for others.

Have you ever met another Christian you weren't particularly crazy about?

Maybe a co-worker, friend in the neighborhood, or nursery team member at church?

Maybe you never had cross words with each other (or maybe you have) but it seems you don't click and you are not getting along. But you need to because you're supposed to work or do ministry or life together?

God can use our simple prayer efforts

I never cease to be amazed at how God takes the simplest of our efforts and works them out for good for everyone involved.

I saw it with Amy.

I've seen it in numerous other situations.

I wish I could tell you I've addressed every irritation I've had toward others with prayer. Oh, that I would have!

All too often, I've allowed my own agenda or thoughts to come flying out of my mouth without the compassion and foresight that happens when I pray first.

I hope you've walked a higher road than I sometimes have.

"Every day I make the conscious effort to deposit goodwill into my relationships with others." John Maxwell (Today Matters p. 229)

I'm convinced prayer is the best way to deposit goodwill into a struggling relationship.

To do that requires conscious effort on my part.

Can I guarantee if you pray for someone, he or she will become your friend?


But I guarantee God will work inside of you His love and compassion and give insight into how to be a friend regardless of whether they reciprocate.

In a world where hate is all too easy to come by and division is almost applauded, we need to find a way to connect, communicate and love each other.

Not everyone will be our best friend.

Not everyone will be our shopping buddy or favorite co-worker/neighbor.

But one of the greatest ways we can bring change to this harsh, divisive world is prayer for others.

Prayer makes room for God to do the impossible!

If you deal with people, there's a pretty good chance you'll find someone in your life who is irritating or difficult.

Not because you or even they are a bad person but because we live in a fallen world in the middle of a culture that has lost its ability to demonstrate love and kindness with a conscious effort on the part of each individual.

I am praying for you, today, my friend.

If Jesus brought someone to mind to you as you are reading today, please take a moment to pray for him/her. Only God knows what they are facing and how much He will do as you pray.

Many blessings,

Kathy Ann

Disclaimer: If you are dealing with an abusive person or situation then you can start with prayer, but you may also need to employ some wisdom and ask for help from others.



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If you are desperate for a life-giving relationship with God, then this blog is for you.

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 whether it's for the first time or to choose to move closer to Him.

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