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Open the Floodgates of Heaven


Standing in the back of a safari van with my face resting on my arms, I feel the breeze of the savannah blow across my face.

My eyes wander across the landscape taking in the grasses where zebra graze. My vision moves on to the mountains resting on the horizon and then to the glorious African sky. The stars of the Milky Way pour across the heavens.

The scent of rain is in the air and tickles my nose.

I can see the rain clouds in the distance heading our way.

In Kenya, the rain falls straight down. None of this raining sideways stuff like we get in Missouri.

Straight down, blessing the earth with its showers.

It's a good rain.

A healing rain.

A saturating rain.

And the rain restores what was stolen by the season of dryness.

These are some of my favorite memories.

"Unpushing" the Pause Button

As I "unpush" (I know it's not a word, but I'm going to use it anyway.) the pause button and return to blogging this month, I want to share how God touched me in a special way this past week.

When I wrote about "pausing" for the month of February, several of you wrote and said you were praying for me in this season.


Prayer is an incredible gift.

And you shared that gift with me.

I am grateful.

Pausing was indeed wisdom and God has been so good and faithful during this past month.

Wednesday night was a highlight and I wanted to share it with you.

Thus, my reverie about Africa. (It's all going to connect together here in a minute.)

We have Wednesday prayer meetings at our church and we pray!

During our time of prayer at the end of the service, a friend came up and prayed with and for me.

Another gift!

She also shared what she saw as she prayed.

God showed her a cloud coming across the African savannah bringing a rain of refreshing.

She prophesied from that night forward, the time of dryness was over and God was sending His rain to refresh me.

Isn't God good?

Isn't God detailed?

Isn't God personal?

I love those things about Him.

He could have shared His love and care and encouragement for me in a thousand ways but He spoke to this girl who loves Africa in a way that reached deep into her soul letting her know she was seen and heard and given a promise.

I grabbed hold of His promise and I'm reminding myself each day - He said He is refreshing me.

So I'm walking in His promise and drinking in His presence.

Day by day.

I love that God not only speaks to me this way but He is willing to speak to each of us.




Here's my challenge for you and for me.

Let us tune our ears to hear His voice this day, this week, this year.

The Bible is full of God speaking.

He spoke to Moses.

He spoke to David.

He spoke to the apostles.

He spoke to Paul.

He is no respecter of persons, and He wants to speak to you and me.


In a way that is meaningful for each of us.

He spoke to me about the African plain and the beautiful rain in Kenya.

I needed that word.

I needed it in that way - and I didn't even realize I needed it.

What do you need to hear from your Heavenly Father today?

You may not even know.

But if you will draw near to Him, He promises He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

If you draw close and listen, I believe He will speak the word your heart needs to hear.

In a way that is perfect for you.

So, once again, let me leave you with a verse, a prayer, and a song...

"You sent abundant rain, O God;

You refreshed Your weary inheritance."

Psalm 68:9 (BSB)

Dear God,

I come before You humbly and boldly.

I ask You to speak to each of my friends here today.

I ask You to speak a word that will encourage them as they press into You.

I boldly ask You to speak to each one in a way that touches the heart and whispers in their ear - You see them and You know them by name.

I ask for You to send an abundant rain and refresh Your children today.

Thank You for hearing my prayer.

Thank You for answering.

Thank You for Your promise to send the rain and refresh us.

Many blessings,

Kathy Ann

1 Comment

Mar 10, 2023

Thanks, Kathy! Let it rain!


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It's my prayer that God used something you read today to brighten your day and help you live in dynamic relationship with Him.

If you are desperate for a life-giving relationship with God, then this blog is for you.

Not because I've arrived, but because I'm choosing deep intimacy with Jesus, also, and we can travel together.

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 whether it's for the first time or to choose to move closer to Him.

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