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Name Above All Names

"After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, 'Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!'" Revelation 19:1

Creator God

The Great I Am

The God Who Sees Me

The God Who Provides

Wonderful Counselor

Mighty God

Everlasting Father

Prince of Peace

Alpha and Omega

The Beginning and the End

Bright and Morning Star

Lily of the Valley

Rose of Sharon

Maker of Heaven and Earth






King of Kings

Lord of Lords


Rock of Ages

My Banner

My Rock

My Healer

My Fortress

Lover of my Soul


All Powerful

All Knowing

Beautiful Beyond Description

Awesome in Power

The Way, the Truth, the Life

Friend that Sticks Closer than a Brother




Glorious One


The Door

The Great Shepherd

He Who Was and Is and Is to Come

Son of Man

Son of God

The Word of God

King of the Jews

Bread of Life

Light of the World

The Resurrection and the Life

The Vine

All in All

Savior of the World

The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever

May you experience His splendor and His Presence in 2024!

Many blessings,

Kathy Ann



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It's my prayer that God used something you read today to brighten your day and help you live in dynamic relationship with Him.

If you are desperate for a life-giving relationship with God, then this blog is for you.

Not because I've arrived, but because I'm choosing deep intimacy with Jesus, also, and we can travel together.

My hope is the words in this blog help you choose to follow Jesus,

 whether it's for the first time or to choose to move closer to Him.

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