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Let's Thrive in 2023 by Fixing our Eyes on Jesus!

"So maybe all my goal setting for 2023 should boil down to chasing 'Who' God is and allowing Him to open doors rather than sending Him my agenda and asking for his blessing." - Kathy Ann Johnson, final blog post, December 2022

More than a New Year's Resolution...

What are you looking for in 2023?

Most of us enter each new year searching for something fresh and new to happen.

2023 is no different.

This year, we all have hopes and dreams for levels of success in different areas.

We desire to see our families and jobs flourish.

These are good things!

How can we make sure at least some of these things happen?

I strongly believe God desires to work everything for good in our lives (Romans 8:28) and longs to speak to us if we take time to ask - and then listen (John 10:27).

So, I've been asking God to speak to me about 2023.

There's a primary verse He keeps speaking to my heart and it's found in the middle of a familiar passage in Isaiah chapter 40.

Verse 29 says...

"He gives power to the faint,

and to him who has no might He increases strength."


I need this promise.

My strength has been running low for some time and the promise that God will increase my strength this year gives me hope for 2023.

In addition to the above verse, Holy Spirit keeps whispering the following phrase in my ear concerning the coming year...

Less of me - More of Jesus

This will require me to change.

I hope you caught that.

I must change.

No matter where I am in my walk with Jesus, less of me means, well...less of me.

I realize for this to happen; I must change my focus.

If I want more of Jesus in my life in 2023, then I must focus on Jesus more.

More than others.

More than goals.

More than me.

I know changing my focus to Jesus more, will create an atmosphere for me to thrive in 2023.

How do I know?

The Bible!

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,

and all these things shall be added to you."

Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)

All those things I'm striving for in the natural begin to fall into place when I seek God first.

How can I seek Him?

By adjusting where I look.

I start my seeking of Him by fixing my eyes on Jesus Himself.

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..."

Hebrews 12:2 (BSB)

When learning to drive as a teenager, I quickly realized where I focus my eyes is where the car will go!

Life is the same.

As I set my focus on Jesus and seek Him first, my life is heading in the best direction possible.

It's the direction where I allow Jesus to begin and complete my faith!

I need Him to do those things.

More promises...

Here are just a couple more promises for me and all who seek Him...

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,

And whose hope is in the Lord.

For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,

Which spreads out its roots by the river,

And will not fear when heat comes;

But its leaf will be green,

And will not be anxious in the year of the drought,

Nor will cease from yielding fruit."

Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NKJV)

"You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."

Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV)




These are promises I get excited to see happen.

This is what I call thriving!

I know beyond doubt, God will do His part in my life in 2023.


The caveat for all this blessing and thriving to happen?

I must do my part.

He needs me to fix my eyes on Him.

I must seek Jesus and His kingdom.

I must seek Jesus with all my heart.

I must put my trust and hope in Him.

There needs to be a lot less me and a lot more Jesus!

Time to Commit...

I want this kind of thriving for 2023 so I'm setting my eyes on Jesus today.

Are you also ready to thrive in 2023?

Then pray this audacious prayer with me...

Here I am, Lord Jesus.

What do You want to do inside of me in 2023?

What do You want to do through me in 2023?

What plans of my own making should I put aside in 2023?

What plans of Your making should I adopt in 2023?

I commit myself to fix my eyes on You and head my life in Your direction.

I commit to less of me and more of You in 2023.

I commit to seek first You and Your kingdom.

I commit myself to remember Your promises are for me as I seek You.

I commit myself to trust You and put my hope in You knowing

You will cause me to thrive so I can face whatever happens in 2023 with You going before me.

Thank You for hearing and receiving my prayer.


I believe God has good things for you in 2023. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and fi.

Many blessings,

Kathy Ann



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It's my prayer that God used something you read today to brighten your day and help you live in dynamic relationship with Him.

If you are desperate for a life-giving relationship with God, then this blog is for you.

Not because I've arrived, but because I'm choosing deep intimacy with Jesus, also, and we can travel together.

My hope is the words in this blog help you choose to follow Jesus,

 whether it's for the first time or to choose to move closer to Him.

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