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Let It Rain - Again!

A Picture of Refreshment...

A severe drought marked our first year living in Kenya.

We saw rain one time in 10 months!

The hard, dusty, and cracked soil thirsted for rain.

Oh, when the rains did come!

I have never forgotten how the land drank in the rain and recovered so quickly.

It was beautiful to see.

Kenya has amazed me numerous times over the years with its ability to quickly recover from times of dryness when the rains come.

When the land soaks in the rain, it is refreshed



Refreshment for you, my friend…

This week our church is holding nightly services calling on the presence of God to come and work in our lives and move outside our four walls into our community.

We’ve been singing “Open the Floodgates of Heaven”!

As we sang, Holy Spirit spoke clearly to me to write to you today about letting it rain – again!

He’s not finished talking to us about opening the floodgates of heaven in our lives.

In my spirit, I could see many of you are in a dry season.

Whatever is causing your dry season, please know that when God rains on the situation with His presence, His rain is restorative.

As the natural rains restore the earth, so when God rains on us, we are restored.

Just like the Kenyan soil recovered when the rains came, so our souls recover when we receive and soak in the presence of our God.

How do we get to the rains He promised?

“Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord;

his going out is sure as the dawn;

he will come to us as the showers,

as the spring rains that water the earth.”

Hosea 6:3

What is Hosea’s “formula” for rain?

Pressing in to know the Lord!

The message of the entire Bible is God longs for relationship – deep, intimate relationship – with each of us individually.

As we press in to know the Lord, He is going to come and when He comes it is like showers that water the earth!


Whatever is causing your season of drought and dryness, my friend, He is able to send the rain of His presence and restore and revive you. Just press in to Him!

His presence is for the weary soul.

If you’ve been fighting the good fight of faith and you’re tired, His rain is for you.

If your fight is standing in the gap for an unsaved loved one, His rain is for you.

If you’ve been fighting illness, His rain is for you.

If you’ve been fighting to overcome a sin that is plaguing you, His rain is for you.

I don’t know your situation, but your God does.

Whatever you are facing, God knows it has left you dry and exhausted.

It has left you thirsty for restoration.

Your soul may look like a dusty field during a drought, but know this, my friend.

God is able and willing to open the floodgates for you.

You may think you’ll never recover - but His rain comes with His presence and restores, rejuvenates, and revives!

Let me leave you with some Scripture, a prayer we can pray together and a song…

“Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness;

let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit;

let the earth cause them both to sprout;

I the Lord have created it. “

Isaiah 45:8

“May he be like rain that falls on the mown grass,

like showers that water the earth!”

Psalm 72:6

“And I will make them and the places all around my hill a blessing,

and I will send down the showers in their season;

they shall be showers of blessing.”

Ezekiel 34:26

Let's pray...

Jesus, I press in to know You today.

Help me to stop everything else and just call on You.

Help me find a quiet place where I can humble myself before You and ask for Your presence to come and bring Your restorative showers to my weary, dry soul.

You are faithful.

As I stand here, dry and dusty, I acknowledge my deep need of and thirst for You.

As I press in to know You more, I ask You to come and rain Your showers of restoration and blessing on me.

I ask You to revive my soul

May I never think I can do things on my own.

Help me humble myself before You and allow You to rain on me.

I receive all You have for me today, Lord Jesus.

I receive the rain that comes with Your presence.

The rain that revives my soul.

Thank You for hearing my cry and for responding with Your presence and your rain of refreshment on my soul.

I love you, Jesus!

"And you will seek me and find me,

when you search for Me with all your heart.

I will be found by you, says the Lord..."

Jeremiah 29:13-14a

Open the Floodgates

May God send His refreshing rain to each of you today.

Many blessings,

Kathy Ann

2 komentarze

Kimberly Embick
Kimberly Embick
15 mar 2023

As I read this I kept hearing “There will be showers of bless-ings…”


15 mar 2023

A few days ago, Sunday I think, I asked God for a word and he gave me Ezekiel, showers of blessing. Thank you Kathy, that was powerful, tears are flowing. BK


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