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Keep Trusting God because it's His Job to Fulfill the Dreams He Gives

Dreams may come to pass on ordinary days...

"Now Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land. And Joseph's brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth." (Genesis 42:6)

"Joseph recognized his brothers..." (verse 8)

"Then Joseph remembered the dreams which he had dreamed about them..." (verse 9)

Twenty-two years after Joseph's dream of this moment, it comes to pass.

Joseph starts his day like any typical workday.

But on this day, God's sovereignty and timing take over and the dream God gave Joseph is fulfilled.

Joseph could never orchestrate or accomplish this fulfillment.

Only God!

The One Thing in Joseph's control...

Other miracles are also part of Joseph's story.

We easily look at the day the brothers show up and shout - Miracle!

Joseph experiences other miracles in his lifetime, but some of them do not feel like miracles at all...they feel like life is way out of control...

  • Enroute to Egypt, Joseph is heading to the very place required for his dream to be accomplished - miracle!

  • In the dungeon, Joseph meets a cupbearer, who eventually remembers him to Pharaoh - miracle!

  • In slavery and prison, he learns skills he needs and gains the character requisite to carry the enormous responsibility of the dream God has for him - miracle!

All miracles allowed by our Sovereign God as He puts together the puzzle pieces for Joseph's dream.

None of these "miracles" were under Joseph's control.

He could not fix anything.

Not one part of the miracle of moving him from Canaan to slave in Egypt to palace was in his control.

No part of bringing his brothers to Egypt was in his control.

Only one thing was decidedly in his control.

Who he would trust with his dream.

Joseph spent a lifetime trusting God.

We see Joseph trusting God as he applies himself in his slave duties.

We see him trusting God when walking with integrity.

We see him trusting God as he interprets dreams for others while waiting for his own dream to happen.

We see him trusting God by giving God glory.

In trusting God, Joseph's eyes are open to the bigger picture God is working.

We see it in words he spoke to his brothers..

" sold me here;...

And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth,

and to save your lives by a great deliverance.

So now it was not you who sent me here, but God..."

Genesis 45:5, 7

It could be you are experiencing frustrations - and unusual "miracles" similar to those of Joseph.

You may be sensing that "I'm completely out of control of my life" feeling.


  • You aren't where you wish, but God has put you in the right place for a future time

  • God has you in a situation where you will meet someone who remembers you to the right person or

  • God has you learning skills and developing character necessary for a dream that will crush you if He gives it to you early

Like Joseph, we eventually face our inability to make God-given dreams happen no matter how badly we wish to "help God out".

The Joseph-lesson we take away is we only control who we choose to trust.

Trusting God for the journey...

Trusting may look differently for each of us.

I'm currently in a situation where God is asking me to trust Him by doing nothing toward the problem.

I have to tell you, for an over-achiever gal this is possibly the biggest challenge I've ever faced.

Pray? Yes.

Believe? Sure.

Act like Jesus? Absolutely.

But take action on the problem? No. God has made this clear (and I checked with trusted advisors to be sure.)

As I trust God to do the things only He can do, I find He is developing my character and growing skills I didn't know I lacked or needed and teaching me to give Him the glory in all things.

Trusting God for you will undoubtedly look different than for me, but I know God will use it all for your story and His glory.

Twenty-two years after Joseph's dream, he saw fulfillment on a normal, average, and ordinary day.

But every day for those twenty-two years, God was with Joseph.

Don't miss that.

God was with Joseph.

I don't know how long you've been on your own difficult journey, my friend.

And I don't know the frustrations you feel.

But I know Jesus.

I know He is faithful.

I know He cares about you more than you can imagine.

I know He is with you on your journey.

I also know He is working on every dream he places in your heart as you trust Him.

Keep trusting God.

On days you wish to quit, keep trusting God.

On days you don't understand, keep trusting God.

On days you cannot see how He could possibly make something good out of all this mess, keep trusting God.

Remember...if He put a dream in your heart, it's His job (and joy!) to fulfill that dream.

It may look different than you think.

It may take longer than you hope.

He may do more preparation in you than you desire.

But He honors the dreams He gives.

If you're facing another ordinary day today, look up.

Today could be the day God fulfills a dream He gave you.

Until then, keep trusting God.

Let me pray for you...

Father God, thank You for being good and faithful.

Thank You for watching over every dream You place in our hearts.

Please help us trust You to do the things only You can do.

Please help us cooperate with You as You prepare us for those dreams.

Please help us on the days our vision is cloudy and we must remember to walk by faith, not by sight.

Please help me allow You to have Your way in me and to see how my story intersects with Your story and the story of mankind.

In Jesus' Name we pray.


Many blessings,

Kathy Ann


Nov 10, 2022

Trust God's faithfulness...even when you don't see it immediately. Easy to say but so hard to do. Thank you for the reminder!


Nov 09, 2022

Such a good message Kathy! The Lord is indeed taking care of us!


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