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It's Christmas and God Sees You and Knows Your Name

What do an Egyptian slave and the Virgin Mary have in common?

The answer is a simple one.

God saw each of them.

He knew them each by name, and He knew where to find them.

In the sixteenth chapter of Genesis, we find a difficult-to-read story about a young slave girl named Hagar. She is required to serve as a surrogate mother for Sarai and is now pregnant with Abram's child. She and Sarai are at odds and Hagar is abused.

Understandably, she runs away.

The situation is brutal and seemingly, hopeless - and then God shows up...

"Now the Angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, by the spring on the way to Shur. And He said, 'Hagar, Sarai's maid, where have you come from, and where are you going?'"

Genesis 16:7 (NKJV)

Let's note the following two things.

First, the Angel of the Lord found her, which means God was looking for her.

Secondly, He knew her name.

We all deeply long to be seen and known.

In Hagar's anguish and low position in society, she may have never previously known the joy of being truly seen.

Now the Angel of the Lord shows up and calls her by name.

What a healing and redeeming moment for Hagar.

Despite her low station in life, the God Who created her knew exactly where to find her and sent the Angel of the Lord to speak with her.

He not only calls her by name, but He also speaks to her situation giving her direction and a promise for the child she is carrying.

Fast forward about 1800 years and we see another divine encounter orchestrated by God.

"Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin's name was Mary."

Luke 1:26-27 (NKJV)

God sends Gabriel, telling Him exactly where to find this young woman named Mary. Details make it impossible for Gabriel to deliver his message to the wrong person.

As we read this verse, we again see God's character revealed.

God sees Mary.

He knows where she is.

He knows her by name.

She is seen and known by the God who created her.

In the verses following, Gabriel encourages her and gives her directions regarding a child she will soon bear.

Sound familiar?

God, do You see me, too?

During a particularly stressful season of my own this past year, I remember crying out to the Lord - "God, do You see me?".

I knew He did because His Word assures me He will never leave me and He is watching over me.

His faithfulness throughout my life gives testimony to His love and attentiveness.

But I needed to know that in that moment when I had so many questions and struggles, did He see me?

Did He remember my name?

Could He find me?

The great news is that God is not offended when we ask these questions from honest hearts.

He didn't send an angel that day.

But over the course of the next few days He began to reassure me deep inside that He saw me and everything going on in my life.

I can't explain it in words, but I remember as I was outside trimming our rosebushes, He made it abundantly clear to me that He saw me and He could send an angel, if need be. He could send anyone to find me in this very spot by the rosebushes.

At that moment, I would not have been surprised if a car had pulled up in front of our house and a complete stranger asked for me by name.

He knows where I am.

He knows me by name.

And, in His timing, if He needs anyone to find me, He is fully capable of giving them specific and complete directions.

He sees you, too!

Our human tendency is to think God knows important people, but not us.

But the Bible is clear He sees each one of us.

The apostle Peter tells us He is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34)

He sees those the world considers VIP's and those the world doesn't consider at all.

He found Moses in the desert.

And He found Hagar on the road to Shur.

He found Mary in Nazareth.

And He found me standing in my roses.

He knows about people we deem to be big and important.

He is also fully aware of "little" people.

Just as clearly as God saw Mary in Nazareth and watched over her when she and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem, He sees you and me.

As assuredly as He watched over the birth of His Son, Jesus, on that first Christmas and found the shepherds in the fields to announce this birth, He sees you this Christmas.

I'm praying for you, today.

I'm praying during this Christmas season, God will make Himself known to you.

I'm praying He lets you know beyond any shadow of doubt you matter to Him.

He knows you by name and He knows where you are.

I don't know how or where He will speak to You this Christmas, but I do know He is often full of surprises.

God is able and often likely to speak to You during an ordinary moment on an ordinary day as He did with Hagar and Mary.

When He reveals Himself - and I believe He will! - may you be filled with the wonder of His majesty and His deep concern for you.

He knows you by name.

He knows where you are.

Just a reminder He is the...

Same God

Many blessings this Christmas season,

Kathy Ann

2 comentarios

10 dic 2022

Great word!

Me gusta

08 dic 2022

Powerful Kathy! Just the word needed for today!

Me gusta

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