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How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving

"In everything, give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

In everything.

Give thanks.

For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

Concerning you.

Thank You, Father God, for creating us and loving us.

Thank You, Father, for the gift of your Son, Jesus.

Thank You, Jesus, for humbling Yourself and coming to earth.

Thank You, Jesus, for Your crucifixion, death and resurrection - all so we are able to be forgiven and walk in relationship with You!

Thank You, Jesus, for sending the Holy Spirit who guides us into all Truth. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for leading us, guiding us, comforting us and filling us.

Thank You, God, for the gift of Your Word - for every author inspired to write the words You gave them, for protecting Your Word throughout the centuries.

Thank You, God, for the invention of the printing press, allowing each of us to have our own copy of Your Word.

Thank You for loving me.

Thank You for saving me.

Thank You for making me Your daughter.

Thank You, God, for my husband.

Thank You that he loves You and desires Your will.

Thank You, Lord, for our children.

Thank You that our children are serving You and You are leading and guiding their lives.

Thank You for Your provision in our home - year after year after year after year.

Thank You for food today.

Thank You for water today.

Thank You for our home that protects us, keeps us safe from the elements and is a place of enjoyment.

Thank You for utilities that provide warmth in our home.

Thank You for turkey and dressing and gathering with family and celebrating the goodness You have shown to us and to our nation.

Thank You for America.

Thank You for protecting our nation through numerous wars.

Thank You for renewing our nation with revival on several occasions in our history.

Thank You for sending numerous missionaries from America across the world to share the good news of Jesus.

Thank You for family.

Thank You for friends.

Thank You for Your love and kindness and gentleness.

Thank You that as Your sheep we can hear Your voice.

Thank You for speaking.

Thank You for wisdom You provide when we ask.

Thank You for the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Thank You for the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Thank You that we have the victory in Christ.

Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me.

Thank You that your power is made perfect in our weakness.

Thank You that we can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us.

Thank You for hearing us when we call.

Thank You that when we draw near to You, you draw near to us.

Thank You for humbling us when pride pulls on our hearts.

Thank You that You never leave us or forsake us.

Thank You for this incredibly beautiful planet You created for us.

Thank You for providing food through Your creation.

Thank You for air to breath!

Thank You for rain that waters our land.

Thank You for the Sun and Moon to give us light.

Thank You for the armor of God that protects us from the enemy.

Thank You for Your promise to come again.

Thank You for turning our mourning into dancing and our sorrow into joy.

Thank You for watching throughout the earth to show Yourself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to You.

Thank You for being good!

Thank You for being holy.

Thank You for having mercy that endures forever.

Thank You for Your faithfulness that endures forever.

Thank You, God, for giving me life.

Thank You for being You!

In everything... give thanks!




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