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How do we find God's Story in the Middle of Our Story?

Finding God's Story in the middle of Joseph's story...


One of my favorites from Sunday school and the book of Genesis.

If you don't know his story, here's the quick version...

  • Born by the will of God

  • Favored son of his father

  • Owner of a many-colored coat

  • Dreamer

  • Hated & betrayed by his own brothers

  • Slavery followed by prison in Egypt

  • Eventual rise to second in command in Egypt

  • Restoration with his family

Joseph's full life story can be found in the book of Genesis.

Genesis 39:2a tells us "The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man".


Sounds amazing!

We can imagine all types of success for this young man if God is with him.

The catch is found as we read on "...and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian."

His master.

This is Joseph's slave season.

As far as he knew, this would be his season for the remainder of his life.

But the Lord was with him.

This crucial fact, as we will see, makes all the difference.

God's Presence is evident to those around us

God's presence with him caused Joseph to have success - as a slave.

Not exactly the career path we all aim for.

However, the presence of God was on Joseph's life to the degree his master took notice.

"And his master saw that the Lord was with him and

that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand." (Gen. 39:3)


Seriously - wow!

The hand of God was on Joseph to the point others could see it.

They saw he was different.

They saw his work prosper.

They recognized it was because of God's presence with him, not his own striving or cleverness.

Joseph's master was so impressed, he put Joseph in charge of everything in his household and "the Lord blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake. And the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in the house and in the field." (Genesis 39:5)

At this point in the story, we begin to note the story is about much more than Joseph.

Joseph's story is about God and His faithfulness.

God gave Joseph a dream but Joseph's journey to dream fulfillment was nothing like any of us would have planned.

It came with interruptions from not nice people.

First, his own brothers sold him as a slave.

Then, just as he experiences some level of success as a slave, he is lied about and moves from slave in a prominent Egyptian house to prison.

The enemy was determined to destroy the dreams God gave Joseph.

If God had not been faithful, Joseph's story would have ended much differently.

But God is faithful. It's Who He is.

"...But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison." (Gen 39:21)

Again, favor in prison was most likely never on Joseph's radar when he was at home running around in his coat of many colors. But the faithfulness of God in the middle of Joseph's painful story is evident and created opportunities.

Joseph was repeatedly and deeply wronged in ways that created havoc of his life.

Yet, God was with him.

That fact alone caused Joseph to thrive.

He thrived - in slavery - because God was with him.

He thrived - in prison - because God was with him.

Eventually, he would thrive in the palace - because God was with him.

I have no idea where you find yourself in your own life story today.

You may connect with Joseph's story as a slave, a prisoner or a member of the palace.

Wherever you find yourself, you can know this...

Thriving does not depend on circumstance.

Thriving depends on God being present.

We can thrive in every circumstance when God is present with us.

Somehow in the middle of the pain and disappointment Joseph experienced, he found a way to thrive - because God was with him.

Joseph's life at this juncture was far from easy.

Possibly, it's the same for your story.

The same God who loved Joseph and walked with him, loves you, my friend.

Despite all the despair he must have felt, he also experienced the life-giving presence of God being right there with him - in slavery, in prison and in the palace.

The same can be true for you.

Whatever your path today, rest assured if you are God's child, He is with you.

He promised He would be, and He never breaks His promises.

May you thrive in His Presence today as His story surrounds your story.

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

Many blessings,

Kathy Ann



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