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Defining Moments: How my every day habits can become my best defining moments

How in the world do daily habits become defining moments?

You may be asking how anyone's daily habits can be a defining moment.

Fair question.

Let's return to our original definition of a defining moment: a turning point with the potential to change the trajectory of our lives.

Here is today's challenge to our thinking. What we do every day is determining our future. Either our habits can be defining moments or they are preparing us for a defining moment.

What I do today impacts tomorrow.

If I eat like a pig today, I will weigh more in the morning. (I have personally tested this theory and it is an undeniable fact!)

If I eat like a pig every day, I will change my size and my health.

In his book, Atomic Habits, James Clear discusses habits this way...

"Habits are like the atoms of our lives; each one is a fundamental unit that contributes to your overall improvement."

Atoms are the basic building blocks of all matter.

Our habits behave similarly in our lives.

Examples of defining habits

Here's a negative, hypothetical example of a daily habit gone terribly wrong.

If from today forward, I don't make my bed or do my dishes, and don't wash my clothes or my body (eww!) for a month, I will become a certified slob!

My daily habits will change the trajectory of my life.


Nobody is going to want to be around the new smelly me!

Who could blame them?

My marriage will suffer.

My friends will steer clear.

And my health will decline.

My life will face a big turning point based solely on my day-to-day habits.

This is just a physical example.

How much truer is the impact of my daily habits on my spiritual life?

As I spend time with God daily, I start becoming more like Jesus!

In Bible school, I learned much about the Bible, Bible history and more.

This information has been exceedingly valuable as I read the Bible and when I teach Bible classes.

However, I have also been reading my Bible daily (mostly) for 40+ years.

The knowledge I gained at Christ for the Nations is invaluable but is no substitute for the impact daily Bible reading has produced in my mind and spirit.

It is the joy, steadiness, and growth I've encountered through this daily habit that I most want to impart to students I teach.

This single daily habit has been life-defining for me personally and in what I do.

Daily focus found in Scripture

"Give us this day our daily bread". (Matt. 6:11)

We are to take up our cross daily. (Luke 9;23)

The Lord's mercy is new every morning. (Lam. 3:23)

Jesus taught in the temple daily. (Luke 19:47)

"Praise every day - seven times a day I praise You, because of Your righteous judgments." (Ps. 119:164)

The Bereans searched the Scriptures daily. (Acts 17:11)

"Pray without ceasing." (1 Thess. 5:17)

Changing my focus from "someday" to "today"!

"People create success in their lives by focusing on today. It may sound trite, but today is the only time you have. It's too late for yesterday. And you can't depend on tomorrow. That's why today matters." - John C. Maxwell in Today Matters

All too often life we look for that one "big break" to suddenly occur "someday" when the reality is we are setting up our future with what we do today.

"The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. The only adequate preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today." - John Maxwell (Today Matters)

Tomorrow's big moment is quite possibly being prepared by my daily actions today.

Today is a gift from the Lord.

We are not promised tomorrow.

How will I use the precious gift He has place in my hands?

Will I squander it on habits that have no eternal benefit?

Or will I choose daily habits that cause me to become more like Jesus?

Will I spend time watching and reading things that cause me anxiety and steal my peace or will I use my time to promote His Kingdom?

If I choose daily habits that teach me to hear the voice of God, I will be able to recognize and respond well to the larger defining moments He brings my way.

Time to Act

"This is what all of us are called to do - to maximize the impact of the opportunities God sets before us. " - Lorne O. Liechty in Defining Moments

My friend, Lorne, hit the nail on the head.

We have a responsibility to maximize every opportunity God sets before us.

I can't think of a greater opportunity we have than the gift of today.

Since today matters, the time to act is now.

Don't wait or postpone.

When considering the value of our daily habits, two questions present themselves.

What one daily habit should I delete from my life starting today?

What one daily habit should I add to my life starting today?

If my goal is to be like Jesus, I need to study the things He did and did not do and employ those same habits in my life.

It isn't always earth-shaking.

If unsure, pray and ask God for help.

He will respond.

Chances are, He has been speaking as you read.

Maybe He wants you to eliminate negative words that diminish your faith in His abilities.

Maybe He wants you to add Scripture memorization so you can better renew your mind.

It could be He wants us to add to our prayer time or spend more time interceding for unsaved family members.

Whatever He is speaking, it is time for us to act.

Today. (And again tomorrow...and the next day...and the next...)

Many blessings,

Kathy Ann



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