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Defining Moments: When God Asks us to Lay Down our Idol

As our plane descended in Bangkok, I could barely contain the excitement of my first visit to Asia.

Rushing along the highway toward the city center in our taxi provided my initial glimpse of the city. Smells of new-to-me foods wafted through the open windows and the rumbling of a throng of vehicles along unfamiliar roads was enthralling.

But nothing prepared my heart for the sight my eyes would soon behold.

Row upon row.

Shop upon shop.

Block after block of shops chock-full of idols for sale.

Thousands of idols from pocket-size to gate-size.

It was the most idols I've ever seen in one place.

The spiritual darkness could be felt, and my heart grieved knowing more than 90% of Thailand's precious people worship these idols.

Nothing new under the sun

Idol worship is not new.

The Israelites struggled to keep the first two commandments of the ten!

You shall have no other gods before me.

You shall not make for yourself a carved image.

(from Exodus 20:3-4a)

The Old Testament records Israel's constant battle to keep God first.

Even to the point of sometimes taking up the idols of neighboring nations to replace God!

Our initial thought upon hearing the word "idol" is what I saw in Thailand or the struggle of the Israelites.

Many of our modern idols occur in the heart.

God can't bless a divided heart

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other." Matthew 6:24a

The key issue is we can't serve two masters.

The good news is God is searching for those with hearts fully committed to Him!

"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." (2 Chronicles 16:9a)

Anything that divides my heart and pushes Jesus out of first place is an idol

I memorized the Ten Commandments and thought I was following them.

Imagine my shock when the Holy Spirit pinpointed a place of idolatry in my own heart the summer before my senior year of high school.



Unfortunately, it was true.

I love to sing, play piano, lead worship, etc.

In high school, music was my passion.

At church.

At school.

Music is not sinful in and of itself.

But I had made music an idol.

I particularly loved the select Concert Choir in my high school.

It was my life.

Therein was the problem.

Slowly and subtly, music had crept its way to first place in my life.

I remembered my commitment to God to become a missionary.

Nearing my final year of high school, I was making mental plans and a few bargains with God. Ever been there?

"Lord, I'll get my degree in music and then I'll become a missionary" was the predominant internal conversation I was having.

Mmm... you see the problem.

Suddenly, my God and His calling were no longer first in my plans or my heart.

When we sin, God is faithful to convict.

Make no mistake.

Idolatry of the heart is still idolatry - and sin.

Conviction will drive you crazy until you decide what to do about it.

I fought facing this thing but deep in my heart, knew what God was asking.

Lay down concert choir.

My senior year.

(Insert big, heavy sigh! - possibly a few tears)

The final showdown came when a youth pastor shared how God asked him to lay down basketball his senior year.

After the service, I went up for prayer and some counsel.

"Was it worth it?" I asked.

"Absolutely." he replied.

It was time to lay down my idol.

Once the decision was made, I knew it was right.

What about you?

We are all so easily distracted.

Idols slip in quietly, slowly, and unobtrusively.

For most of us, they aren't obvious sins.

They are perfectly right and good behaviors that have gotten out of balance.

For our good, they must be dealt with.

Dealing with our idols

The best way to deal with our idols is to:

  • Face them - admit they are present

  • Repent - ask God to forgive us

  • Allow God to Redeem - He always does!

Here's the funny thing in my story.

Once I let go and and left the thing I loved my senior year, He redeemed it a year later.

I really did end up going to college and getting a degree in music.

Upon graduating, I realized it was somewhat amazing this transpired.

The difference?

Music no longer held first place in my heart.

He used the musical gifting He gave me to serve His Kingdom in the coming years.

Eventually, He took me to Kenya to serve as a missionary and even allowed me to use music in Africa.

Occasionally, I still have the privilege of leading worship today.

His way is always better.


Back in the day...

Today is a great day for another defining moment

Defining Moments.

They change everything that follows.

What thing is God whispering about to you today that might be rivaling for first place in your heart?

What one decision could you make today that changes everything moving forward?

It's time to let it go.

You know I love music so here's another song to encourage you.

It's taken from my teens, because after all, today's post is about my high school years.

"Willing Heart" by Kelly Willard

Many blessings,

Kathy Ann

4 comentarios

29 ago 2022

Wow so good! It's so easy to allow things to become idols in our lives without evening realizing it at the time. There is always great reward in being obedient to the Father. Thank you for sharing your story. Love the photo Kathy Ann! :)

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Kathy Ann Johnson
31 ago 2022
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Thank you, Pam, for your kind words. Knew my friends would love the photo!

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25 ago 2022

Straight shot to my heart on this one! Although I would like to say I am immune to the disease of idolatry, God shows me when I am not - and it is usually at about 3 am! Thank you for being so willing to share your experience. Thank you also for sharing your sweet blessings because you gave up your concert choir for Senior year.

Also - I have heard, but not confirmed, that the Jewish people have not had an issue with idolatry since they were taken into captivity by the Babylonians. They learned a hard lesson obviously - studying Jeremiah and Ezekiel is testimony to that.

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Kathy Ann Johnson
31 ago 2022
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Hey Kristin! You are correct - the Jewish people were finally able to let go of idols! And, yes, the lesson was a difficult one! Blessings!

Me gusta

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