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Defining Moments: Discovering the One Best Choice for Living a Life that Matters

What is a defining moment?

We all experience moments in life that change or even challenge our current trajectory.

Sometimes we recognize them; other times we don't.

Exactly what "defines" a defining moment?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary says it's "the time that shows very clearly what something is really about".

Mmmm... a little unclear.

Psychology refers to defining moments as certain events in life that shape the person you have become.

Getting clearer.

John Maxwell says this...

"Defining moments don't make the man or woman; they simply reveal what is already inside."

I like knowing these moments reveal what's inside me.

Let's simplify...

Defining moments are the moments that define us.

Moments we view as turning points in our life.

They may be positive or negative, but their impact on us is significant.

These moments often are opportunities with a choice.

This post initiates a series of "Defining Moment" articles I will share in the coming weeks. As I share some of my own defining moments with you, as well as those of people in the Bible, I hope you'll share some of your defining moments with me.

The absolute, hands-down best single choice we can make in life is found in the Bible.

There's a book written by Matthew in the Bible and it talks about when Jesus began His ministry.

He came upon some fisherman and offered them an invitation they chose not to refuse.

"'Come follow, me' Jesus said..."

(Matthew 4:19 NIV)

Three common words.

Often used by mothers to call their children.

And yet, when Jesus spoke them, they became THE opportunity of a lifetime for some rough, tough fishermen.

Jesus submitted His invitation and if we continue reading Matthew chapter 4, we find two sets of brothers made the choice to follow Jesus that day.

That one choice marked the remainder of their lives.

From that moment on, everything changed.

They moved from being fishermen to being fishers of men.

Their focus changed .

Even their life's work changed.

From the instant Peter and Andrew, and James and John, started following Jesus, they began to live lives that mattered for their time on earth and on into eternity.

I've always found it interesting Jesus did not call them to say a prayer with Him or call them to stop certain behaviors and start others.

He called them to follow.

Following Jesus would define them and change them from the inside out.

Numerous others have answered Jesus' call to follow

My life has been deeply impacted and influenced by the lives of missionaries.

One of the most profound missionary influencers in my life is Brother Andrew.

He describes the moment he chose to follow Christ this way...

"...quietly, I let go of my ego... I turned myself over to God - lock, stock, and adventure. There wasn't much faith in my prayer. I just said, 'Lord, if You will show me the way, I will follow You. Amen.' It was as simple as that." (God's Smuggler, p.46)

I will follow you. It's as simple as that.

Following Jesus opened His life to all the adventure he craved and now it included eternal purpose.

I'm forever grateful I was also offered an invitation to follow Jesus.

I'm thankful for a Christian mother who took us to church, for amazing men and women who served in children's ministry and faithfully shared this powerful invitation Jesus gives to everyone.

As a young girl I decided I, too, would follow Jesus.

And, like the disciples and Brother Andrew,

the direction of my life was completely defined by that one decision.

I'll share more about how that decision defined me in the coming posts, but for today, I just want to lift my hands and shout praise to God.

When I think of the direction my life could have gone and how faithful Jesus has been to not only call me but to lead me, it elicits praise from my heart!

Today is a great day for another defining moment - for you and me!

Life is full of opportunities, and sometimes pain, that define us.

We don't always get to choose things that happen to us that change our lives.

But this one choice - to follow Jesus - is always ours.

He beckons.

He calls.

And He draws us by His Holy Spirit.

I know many of you are like me and you've made that initial decision to follow Jesus.

Today is a great day for another defining moment.

Let's take a few minutes to remember the day that changed every day following.

Let's remember the times He leads and guides us.

We may also remember times we were stubborn and refused to follow.

Forgiveness is always available for the asking.

Remembering where we are from and where He is taking us can rekindle the fire in our relationship with Jesus.

It's possible you found yourself reading this article and you've been searching for something - something undefinable.

Something new.

Something that will change the trajectory of your life.

Today could be THE defining moment of your entire life.

If you're ready, you can pray the same prayer Brother Andrew prayed.

The same prayer of surrender to follow Jesus as Lord that millions of other followers have prayed.

Don't let this moment pass.

Let today be your defining moment for now and throughout eternity.

I recently heard a message by Dawn Cherie Wilkerson and in her sweet voice she sang that old song... "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus". I'd almost forgotten that precious song from my childhood.

Here's a link to Tasha Cobbs singing it.

I hope you take a few minutes to listen and either make that choice to follow for the first time or remember the day you chose to follow Jesus and everything changed.

Today is a great day for a defining moment!

Many Blessings,

Kathy Ann



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It's my prayer that God used something you read today to brighten your day and help you live in dynamic relationship with Him.

If you are desperate for a life-giving relationship with God, then this blog is for you.

Not because I've arrived, but because I'm choosing deep intimacy with Jesus, also, and we can travel together.

My hope is the words in this blog help you choose to follow Jesus,

 whether it's for the first time or to choose to move closer to Him.

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